Today was our first day in Dauphin Island, Alabama for our Christmas vacation. We are staying in a beautiful home for a week. We are in walking distance to the beach (Gulf of Mexico), tennis court, and play ground. We spent some time on the beach today. The kids even got in a little (burrr). It was 55 degrees today! Loooving it!! We got to see a whole family of dolphins. It was hard to get them on camera, but we were all excited and amazed at their beauty and majestic nature. I just knew that would be the highlight of my day, but I was wrong. As I was walking some of the children back, Eliza stepped on a burr and began to cry. I turned around to help her only to see that Spencer had beat me to it. He helped her limp at first, but when that was not successful, he have her a piggy back ride. THAT was the highlight of my day. I LOVE it when my kids show love for each other w/OUT being prompted to do so by a parent. I will post more pictures as the week goes by. As for now, I am in heaven w/my sweet children and heroic hubby!

Gabriel got stuck carrying all of Spencer's things when he was carrying Eliza. He stopped in the middle of the road to put on his shoes and resituate his load. I said, "Gabriel! You are sitting in the middle of the road!". The look of confusion and panic on his face was priceless!