By Heavenly Father's mercy, there just happened to be a paramedic in the next isle over. He was already taking care of her when I came in. It was his wife who came and got me. Because they were not sure why she passed out and because she hit her head so many times they decided it would be best to call an ambulance. I agreed 100%! I wasn't about to take a chance.
I was SO grateful that Rob and Janette Glass showed up to take care of her. They are such good friends that they are like family to us. Janette wasn't even on duty, but she rode in the back w/Abigail. I rode up in the front of the cab. At one point in time I felt this bad feeling that she was probably scared back there w/out me. I looked back and saw these two people that I know,love, and completely trust. My next thought was how much I KNOW these two people love my daughter. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort. I am SO grateful the Glass family is part of our lifes.
Thank you to the Deprima's, the Glass', Leah (& other worker's @ Casey's), and all the hospital staff! And thank you to Abigail's sweet friend Racheal who had to witness the whole thing. How scary for her!

Wow - what a day! Is she okay now? Any idea what caused the seizure?
We are not sure what caused the seizure. They think it was just her being sick all week, not eating breakfast that morning, and pushing her recovery too fast.
Jessica just said to me the other day, "Mommy if I get hurt and have to go in an ambulance can Brother and Sister Glass take care of me? They are such good people to help other people." That made me choke up. I am grateful for the Glass's too! I hope that Abigail is ok. Know that she is in our prayers.
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that your family had to go through that super scary moment! I am glad that she is okay! Please know that you guys are always thought of and in our in our prayers tonight~ We love and miss you guys!
Scary stuff. I hope Abigail will be okay. Keep us updated.
Oh No! I'm so sorry that this happened to Abigail. I hope she is okay, and doing better now.
We saw and heard the sirens but had no idea it was Abigail. I am so sorry you all had to go through that. Rob and Jeanette Glass are two of the best people I know. I love them so much. I have to say I have never seen a more beautiful girl strapped down to one of those things. Her eyes are so blue she looks like an angel. I love you!
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